Film & History appears twice per year, in the summer and winter, and is printed in standard letter-size format: 8.5″ x 11″ portrait. It also sponsors an annual conference, the attendees of which receive a printed program.
We welcome half-page and full-page advertisements, and can include inserts with a journal issue or conference program after it has gone to press.
Rates are as follows:
- Printed advertisement or insert in journal: $$100/issue
- Printed advertisement or insert in conference program: $50/insert
- Conference Table: $100/table
Submission deadlines for advertisements:
- Summer (June/July) journal issue: May 1
- Winter (December) journal issue: November 1
- Conference program: six weeks before first day of conference
Advertisements should be submitted electronically, as email attachments, with images rendered at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Files may be 24-bit (or higher) JPG or BMP, or PDF, but PDFs should be saved as Press Quality, preferably in ISO 19005-1 compliant (PDF/A) format.
Payment information:
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal
Lawrence University, Memorial Hall B5
711 E. Boldt Way
Appleton, WI 54911 (USA)
Please direct questions and submissions to